Thursday, March 08, 2007

RvD2: Ryan vs. Dorkman 2

best star wars fanfilm ever.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

i suppose a response for the last comment is needed.

i got an anonymous comment asking why i havn't posted here in a long time.

very easily answered. lots of homework, plus i kinda forgot, i've been busy too.

just this past week i've been trying to set up a computer network in my room, the bloody thing keeps working then shutting down without notice. i've solved my problems with that now.

i'll be posting here more now that it's summer and i have a lot more freetime.

so some things that have happened recently,

i read a new star wars book titled "Outbound Flight" by Timothy Zahn.

and i got a new computer, well it's not exactly new but i built it in my A+ certification class and it has a dvd player. so i've been able to watch dvd's in my room. so that's been fun.

adn that's about all i can think of at the moment.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Thursday, April 13, 2006

meh...'s been far too long since i've made an entry here.

here's a summary of the past 2 weeks or so.

i'm on spring break there is maybe 4 days left.

i went to a movie ealier this week. i went and saw eight below. it's great!

um...aside from spring break i got a 16/16 on my A+ certification quarter final.
i'm pretty sure i passed my math test.

and to fred yes i'm excited. the clock has been there for more than a few months i think. XP i dunno i'm just waiting for iraq to be over and our troops to be sent home. and i'm kinda hoping by the end of the clock's count they'll be home again.

so anyways.. that's basicly what has happened in the i dunno past couple of weeks.
and a small explanation for the clock.

Thursday, February 16, 2006